Wednesday, October 24, 2012



     Today I got my copy of my book, it is so awesome, except for the permanent errors I made, but like I said I will go through it and resolve those errors. There are some parts that you could consider really messed up like when I repeated most of the same sentence twice. If I miss one please let me know in a comment, I'm anxious to hear what you guys think about my work and also to get my first comment. I am right in the middle, literally in the middle, of writing PAINTERS, I just finished chapter 20 last night and there is going to be 40. I'm hoping to finish it before Halloween, but I don't really see that happening, whenever I try to end a chapter it just keeps going and going, which is totally a good thing. When I'm finished writing it I will go through PAINT and give all the corrections I can.

Until then, Pu Evig Reven

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