Thursday, September 12, 2013



     Twelve days ago, on the last day of August, PAINTED was published. It isn't on paper (yet), it's only digital at the moment, but that makes for a very affordable price of $0.99. In its first twelve days it has sold a grand total of... wait for it... 2 copies, one of which I purchased myself. So what the French? What do I have to do to get the word out there? What do I have to do to get people to read PAINTED? I put it on Facebook so all my friends and family could see it and no one has bought it, I got a few likes but that's it. So if I can't get even them to buy it how am I going to get a stranger to do it?

Pu Evig Reven
Z.A.De Hart

Friday, March 8, 2013

Resident Evil 6... The Movie


It has been quite a while. As the title suggests this post is about the new Resident Evil movie being released mid September next year. It has been a dream of mine to be in a Resident Evil film for some time. This will be my last chance to make that dream come true. Perhaps there will be another face of the fan thing and maybe I might have a chance to win it, basing a huge part of your life, like say your carrier, on Resident Evil could be an awesome way to show how much of a fan you are and I did just that. PAINT is still out and about on the Internet, although I don't think it's doing to good. Per the terms of my contract I don't get royalties unless my book grosses over $100. Since I haven't got a check I can assume PAINT is failing miserably. I can only blame myself for that though I suppose.
Anywho, I'm going to try my hardest to get in on all the zombie killing action in the new RE.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

P.S. I just finished my next assignment for school so I will get back to reading, writing, and editing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Crushed pretty much says it all. That's how I feel right now; crushed. I entered my book in some writing contest on Amazon. It's some award something, I don't know the name, all I do know is that I didn't even make it to the second round. It's very upsetting, depressing, and discouraging, but I won't give up. They might not have thought my book was good enough but I know that there is someone out there who does. My teacher, who is a published author and who also had one of their novels get turned into a movie, thinks my book is good. She said its full of action and just the right amount of humor to keep the reader smiling. So I will never stop, not even after my book has been published and turned into a major motion picture, staring me of course. Any who I think I've rambled on long enough.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

P.S. I'm sharing with you my first picture. It is the Zandulorian symbol.

Friday, January 4, 2013



     As I said my mission has begun. It was my mission from the very beginning. SAVE THE ANIMALS. I have made my very first donation to the ASPCA. I hope that it will be the first of many. From now on a large portion, if not all, of the royalties I get from my books will go towards helping animals. So people we need to make Zandulor and PAINT huge successes. If they make a healthy amount of coin I can help the animals and the children. That has always been my biggest goal. Every night when I go to bed I ask God to help the children and animals and to help me so that I can help. Perhaps this can be my hook. You know, like on that episode of American Dad when Steve wrote Roger the Alien. His hook was being a Bad Boy. Mine just might be the Animal Lover, or something else along those lines. I am close to becoming a Vegan. Maybe everyone could call me the Tree Huger author. People already call me a tree huger so that fits pretty well.
     Well I will soon be posting book related stuff so stay tuned and remember to have a heart for all the Lord's creatures. "Fear not for yourself, but for those if you fail." Tilso Teach. (Zandulor, Silto's father).

Pu Evig Reven

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's bean a while...


Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I've been quite busy... and lazy. I haven't got around to editing PAINT yet but I will. I just finished rereading the second third of my book for my writing course. I hope Mary likes it. And with Christmas I've been doing the usual holiday things such as cooking and the like. That's pretty much the busy part, the lazy part is probably because of the Wii U. It's awesome and I've been playing it almost nonstop since I acquired it. I want to add something to a previous post I made about Target lying. They still do but I found out something about them and another big conglomerate that's even worse. As you know I preorder my Wii U at Walmart by putting it on layaway, well they sold the console they were supposed to hold for me. My panic subsided when I found that Target had a large abundance of them. When I was there I met a boy who preorder a system at another Target and they too sold his to someone else. It was a ridiculous but it turned out good. Walmart gave me a $50 gift card and all my money back and the system was cheaper at Target with all the taxes. So it turned out good in the end but in the middle it was pretty crazy and hectic. The moral of this story is don't trust anyone.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The PAINT Series

Hello everyone,

     It been a while since I last posted. I haven't started going through the mistakes in PAINT yet, but I will get to it soon. I finished PAINTERS on Halloween like I wanted. It's not a final draft, but all the important stuff is there. I ended it exactly one year after the third book, PAINT THINNER.
     Speaking of horror I was reading an article on NWR (Nintendo World Report) about the scariest moments in video games. I was shocked that Friday the 13th for the NES didn't make it onto the list. To this day that game still scares me. Every time I go into a house to save a camper and I turn the corner and the hockey-masked murder pops out of nowhere I jump and occasionally scream. And that game Clock Tower (I'm not sure if that's one word or two), I never played it myself but I saw my uncle play it when I was little and it scared the crap out of me. That crazy kid with the giant scissors that chases you. I didn't like it.
     Any who, that be it for now.

Pu Evig Reven.

P.S. I meant to say "Last night" not "Last not" in my last post.

Monday, October 29, 2012

TARGET LIES... Or at least that woman who works there does.


     I have been on the hunt for a Wii U pre-order ever since they sold out at Gamestop. I called everywhere looking for one, Target mostly, I called them every day and they kept saying to call back. One day when I was at Target I asked two employs if they knew if they were going to be selling and pre-orders. The man wasn't sure, but the woman seemed pretty definite when she said no. So I stopped calling and a few days later got one at Walmart, you already know the story if you read my previous post. And then Saturday, two days ago Saturday, I went to Target, a different Target, and they had pre-orders for the Nintendo Wii U. Even though I was already guaranteed a system it really made me mad. The moral of this story is don't trust anyone, 'cause they lie and they suck.
     So anyway if any of you out there still want to pre-order the Wii U and haven't had the chance, head on over to your local Target store. I'd call ahead of time though to make sure they have some still in stock. Hopefully you won't be one of those douches that just buys the Wii U so you can sell it to the people who really want one. Some people I know have told me to do that, but no. I'm not that kind of person.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

P.S. Just wanted to give you an update on the whole PAINT series situation. PAINTERS, the sixth and finally book, is split up into four stories. Last not I finished the third, now all I need to do is complete the fourth and then tie them all together in the end. I have twelve more chapters to go and have given myself a 3 day, including today, deadline. I want to be able to say that I finished my horror series on Halloween. I think that would be an awesome coincidence.