Friday, August 3, 2012

The Wii U Experience

Hello all my fellow Gamers,

     Earlier today I got and email from Nintendo that said I was invited to play the Nintendo Wii U in Denver. It is going to be totally awesome. It's going to be my first ever gaming event. Yeah I'm pretty excited. Keep on playing and doing what you love.

P.S. I heard back from Publish America a few days ago and my book is now on the waiting list to be published. They said that it could take between six and nine months, which totally sucks, but at least I know that it will go to print. Another thing, regarding all the accusations about PA being a vanity publisher; I think I've discovered where these allegations came from. PA gave me the option to pay so that my book would be published faster. For $199 I could have my book published in two weeks. I opted out of it and decided to wait. I'll keep all my readers posted.

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