Thursday, August 30, 2012

Proof Review Finished


     I have just finished reviewing the proofs for my book. The covers is all good but the actual story needs some work and unfortunately nothing can be changed. So I am apologizing now if you buy my book and find all the grammatical errors. That is a huge con for Publish America: NO EDITING. For someone like me who doesn't know much in that department it is definitely needed.
     On another, nonbook related, note I don't think I was chosen to be an extra in Catching Fire. The casting company sent out the emails last night and haven't gotten one. They said it could take a while since they sent so many, but in a few hours it will have been a full day. It's really quite an upsetting and depressing thing not knowing if you're accepted, but what can you do but wait. I guess I can still hold out hope that Wipeout will think differently about me.

Pu Evig Reven.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Proof Review

What's up,

     Today I got the proofs for my book PAINT's cover art and page format. They took my idea for the cover and it's awesome. The title looks like it was painted, which it was, and there are drips running down from the letters. Then there is black paint swirled all around it. It's sweet. I'll keep everyone interested posted so keep reading.

Pu Evig Reven.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Nintendo WiiU

Hello Everyone,

     Last night was the night of the WiiU Experience and what an experience it was. It was so totally awesome. With all the people there and limited amount of time I had I didn't get try everything, but I did get my hands on the games at the top of my list. The first being The Legend of Zelda Battle Quest. It was so awesome and I totally kicked butt. I had the Gamepad while my dad had one of the Wii Remotes. Some duded there had the other remote. All the people who went before me weren't to good at shooting those Moblins or whatever they were, Bokoblins maybe, Is that what they're called? Anyway I almost never missed a shot, it was awesome. Next on my list was New Super Mario Bros. U. Not much can really be said about that game since all the NSMB games are all basically the same. The flying squirrel suit was pretty awesome, if you press X while gliding you can shoot up higher into the air, which is perfect to reach the flag in the end. I tried using the Gamepad while someone else controlled Mario, well actually they were controlling a yellow Toad, and that was pretty awesome too. Making those blocks can really help or hinder the person controlling one of the five different characters you can be.  That's another thing, you can still be a Mii. I was worried they might have changed that when they changed the name, but nope. Third was ZombiU. That game had the longest line and was where I spent most of my time at the event, that demo was longer then the others. It was pretty awesome I kind of died right away though, those bloody zombies pop out of no where, I got attacked by the same zombie I killed three times and eventually she killed me. At one part I had to find the last person who played before me. I found her in a hole in the floor. It was pretty creep when she looked up at me then ran away. I got to try the Luigi's Mansion game in Nintendo Land too and a little bit of Project P-100. Right after I started playing Project P-100 the event ended and I couldn't finish the demo, those jerks. But it was still an awesome time.The Gamepad was really light and comfortable. The grips on the back made it feel awesome to hold and the weight couldn't have been that much more then a Wii Remote. All and all I really enjoyed myself, Battle Quest being the highlight of the evening.

Keep on gaming and per usual, Pu Evig Reven.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


     Seely and Sienna, two agents who belong to a group that specializes in stopping terrorism, go to investigate a small town called Snowfall where the production of illegal weaponry was rumored to have been taking place. When they arrive everyone is dead, but they don’t stay dead for long. All the residents become undead, flesh eating monsters and attack Seely and Sienna. As they fight to survive the hordes of zombies and mutated monsters, they unravel the mystery behind the outbreak and strive to stop those responsible. PAINT, it will eat you alive.

     Hello There,

     So do you like it? I especially like the end when I say PAINT will eat you alive. And, although I don't mention it in the synopsis, paint does eat people alive, or at least make people eat other people alive.
     Stay tuned if you want to know more about Seely and Sienna's fight for survival.

Pu Evig Reven.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Idiom


     Apparently CL Casting has changed their email address for The Idiom. They posted about it and from what I can tell you need to sign up for their mailing list and wait for them to email you. There was a slight grammatical error at the end of the post and it was a little hard to understand so I just sent an email anyway. They just posted that this morning so I don't think I'm too late. I can only hope.
     Back on a more book related note I'm going to be posting the synopsis for PAINT soon. Then probably the first chapter and so on. I'm also working on a new synopsis for Zandulor. I will post it as soon as it is finished.

Thgin Doog and Pu Evig Reven.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Over Quota

Yo again,

     I tried to send my pictures to that casting company and I keep getting an email saying the address is over quota. That really sucks the meat. I'm going to take some new pictures in the morning and try sending it again. I really hope I can get my email in their in box. It's going to be really disappointing if I missed my chance to even have consideration. I would much rather be rejected then miss my chance because then I could be mad at them and not myself.

Anywho, Thgin Doog. (good night)

Catching Fire.


     I just send three pictures of myself and all my contact information to a casting company in Atlanta. If they like my pictures I could be an extra in Catching Fire. That would be one of the best things in the world. Having something, even the smallest something, to do with my favorite movies is definitely on my bucket list. I need to keep my eyes open for any parts in the next and final Resident Evil movie. Those movies are my all time favorites.
     Wish me luck in all my endeavors(that is what every literary agency has said to me when they rejected me). God knows I'll need it, in my opinion my photos weren't good at all. But I guess most people think that about themselves.

Again, wish me luck and as always, Pu Evig Reven.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hellow Againe,

     I just sent a form to ABC for Wipeout. I'm super excited and a little nervous. If they accept me I'll have to fly to Burbank and audition. I'm kind of terrified of people, especially if I have to do something like audition. I've never done it before, but it can't be pleasant. Camera's are also not on my list of comforting things. That isn't good for someone who would like to be an actor, but the best way to overcome fear is to face it. If Wipeout accepts me I plan on hitting my fears head on with a sledge hammer.

Wish me luck and again, Pu Evig Reven.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Ello Awl,

     Do you like my German accent? At least I think it's German. I'm not sure, Roger Smith from American Dad said it, but I can't remember who was being when he said it. Klaus comes to mind but... Anywho, today I got my $1 advance check for my book PAINT. It's not much, not by a long shot, but it means that my book is going to be published and hopefully, one day, if I work my butt off, it will see store shelves. I would to share some information about the movie adaptation of PAINT (if that ever happens, which I really hope will). First, and pretty much only, thing is the actors. Seely Howlington, PAINT's main protagonist, should totally be played by Sam Worthington. I have pictured him as that character from the beginning and have even made some adjustments to final draft of Seely's character to fit Mr. Worthington. Originally Seely had a British accent and the reason for that was because I read that Sam Worthington was born in England. This is true, but he did not grow up there. Australian is his native tongue so I added that Seely picked up the dialect when he spent a semester down under. Sienna Howlington, the second protagonist and Seely's lovely wife, should be played by the actress for whom she was named, and that would be Sienna Guillory. She, like Seely's original character, speaks with a British accent. She kicked major bum in Resident Evil and I think she would be, and actually already is, and awesome Sienna. Lora Caynn, Founder of B.A.T.U., the organization Seely and Sienna belong to, should be played by my personal favorite, Milla Jovovich. She has been my favorite actress ever since she was the Fifth Element. Roger Smith, another Ausie agent, should be played by Alex O'Loughlin. I imagined him as the big, marine type. And finally Theodore "Theo" Mechem, a young archer, should be played by none other then... me. I have had absolutely no professional training of any kind and have never acted before in my life, but I think I could be awesome at it. I basically have been doing it all my life. Ever since I was little, probably around five or six, I've being acting, kind of. It's mostly just been role playing in my backyard, but that's how I come up my crazy ideas for new stories. When I'm outside with my gun or sword (all fake by the way) I'm acting as all these different characters. Whether it's Seely or Silto, main character in my fantasy series, I play the role. I have even made myself cry a few times when I came to a dramatic scene. Like at the end of my fifth fantasy book there is a big dramatic scene and I cried every time I acted it out. Now that is commitment.
     Well I think I've rambled long enough. I will be posting more on my journey to become a published author and more on PAINT and Zandulor (fantasy series title. Don't steal it.)
     Until next time, Pu Evig Reven.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Wii U Experience

Hello all my fellow Gamers,

     Earlier today I got and email from Nintendo that said I was invited to play the Nintendo Wii U in Denver. It is going to be totally awesome. It's going to be my first ever gaming event. Yeah I'm pretty excited. Keep on playing and doing what you love.

P.S. I heard back from Publish America a few days ago and my book is now on the waiting list to be published. They said that it could take between six and nine months, which totally sucks, but at least I know that it will go to print. Another thing, regarding all the accusations about PA being a vanity publisher; I think I've discovered where these allegations came from. PA gave me the option to pay so that my book would be published faster. For $199 I could have my book published in two weeks. I opted out of it and decided to wait. I'll keep all my readers posted.