Sunday, September 16, 2012


I was so wrong,

     As mentioned twice above I was wrong. I thought I would just stroll into Gamestop on Tuesday and preorder a deluxe Wii U, but they are all sold out. I guess I spoke way too soon about the days of freezing outside in a Target parking lot being over, for it looks like that is what I'm going to be doing on the night of the 17th. Maybe all the hype is just for the preorders but I can't take that chance. If I have to I will sit outside for a week like those nutty iPhone fans. I've heard that there is some kind of manufacturing issue and that's why all the black Wii Us are sold out. I've googled it and everything I found was dated last month. How would anyone know about it a month before the release date and price were announced?

Pu Evig Reven...

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