Thursday, September 12, 2013



     Twelve days ago, on the last day of August, PAINTED was published. It isn't on paper (yet), it's only digital at the moment, but that makes for a very affordable price of $0.99. In its first twelve days it has sold a grand total of... wait for it... 2 copies, one of which I purchased myself. So what the French? What do I have to do to get the word out there? What do I have to do to get people to read PAINTED? I put it on Facebook so all my friends and family could see it and no one has bought it, I got a few likes but that's it. So if I can't get even them to buy it how am I going to get a stranger to do it?

Pu Evig Reven
Z.A.De Hart

Friday, March 8, 2013

Resident Evil 6... The Movie


It has been quite a while. As the title suggests this post is about the new Resident Evil movie being released mid September next year. It has been a dream of mine to be in a Resident Evil film for some time. This will be my last chance to make that dream come true. Perhaps there will be another face of the fan thing and maybe I might have a chance to win it, basing a huge part of your life, like say your carrier, on Resident Evil could be an awesome way to show how much of a fan you are and I did just that. PAINT is still out and about on the Internet, although I don't think it's doing to good. Per the terms of my contract I don't get royalties unless my book grosses over $100. Since I haven't got a check I can assume PAINT is failing miserably. I can only blame myself for that though I suppose.
Anywho, I'm going to try my hardest to get in on all the zombie killing action in the new RE.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

P.S. I just finished my next assignment for school so I will get back to reading, writing, and editing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Crushed pretty much says it all. That's how I feel right now; crushed. I entered my book in some writing contest on Amazon. It's some award something, I don't know the name, all I do know is that I didn't even make it to the second round. It's very upsetting, depressing, and discouraging, but I won't give up. They might not have thought my book was good enough but I know that there is someone out there who does. My teacher, who is a published author and who also had one of their novels get turned into a movie, thinks my book is good. She said its full of action and just the right amount of humor to keep the reader smiling. So I will never stop, not even after my book has been published and turned into a major motion picture, staring me of course. Any who I think I've rambled on long enough.

Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven

P.S. I'm sharing with you my first picture. It is the Zandulorian symbol.

Friday, January 4, 2013



     As I said my mission has begun. It was my mission from the very beginning. SAVE THE ANIMALS. I have made my very first donation to the ASPCA. I hope that it will be the first of many. From now on a large portion, if not all, of the royalties I get from my books will go towards helping animals. So people we need to make Zandulor and PAINT huge successes. If they make a healthy amount of coin I can help the animals and the children. That has always been my biggest goal. Every night when I go to bed I ask God to help the children and animals and to help me so that I can help. Perhaps this can be my hook. You know, like on that episode of American Dad when Steve wrote Roger the Alien. His hook was being a Bad Boy. Mine just might be the Animal Lover, or something else along those lines. I am close to becoming a Vegan. Maybe everyone could call me the Tree Huger author. People already call me a tree huger so that fits pretty well.
     Well I will soon be posting book related stuff so stay tuned and remember to have a heart for all the Lord's creatures. "Fear not for yourself, but for those if you fail." Tilso Teach. (Zandulor, Silto's father).

Pu Evig Reven