It has been quite a while. As the title suggests this post is about the new Resident Evil movie being released mid September next year. It has been a dream of mine to be in a Resident Evil film for some time. This will be my last chance to make that dream come true. Perhaps there will be another face of the fan thing and maybe I might have a chance to win it, basing a huge part of your life, like say your carrier, on Resident Evil could be an awesome way to show how much of a fan you are and I did just that. PAINT is still out and about on the Internet, although I don't think it's doing to good. Per the terms of my contract I don't get royalties unless my book grosses over $100. Since I haven't got a check I can assume PAINT is failing miserably. I can only blame myself for that though I suppose.
Anywho, I'm going to try my hardest to get in on all the zombie killing action in the new RE.
Until next time,
Pu Evig Reven
P.S. I just finished my next assignment for school so I will get back to reading, writing, and editing.